Joanna Malinowska – journalist, film director, author of the book „The Children of the Stars.” Her passion is to discover human nature, the individual quality of the soul written deep in the heart. Stellar Children is a metaphor for describing unique people who often do not dare to show their uniqueness to the world. Stellar Children are cosmic heroes, divine messengers who come to the Blue Planet to accept the loss of their memory. Thanks to the heroine of the book – Lu, who came to Earth from a distant planet of light and adapts to live in a reality alien to herself, we learn the way of inner transformation of a human being.

Lu talks about the hardships and joys of life on Earth, when man begins to realize his origin. The inner transformation becomes the engine and a driving force of life’s transformation. Like every fairy tale, this one has its own moral, which can be expressed in the words: „You have nothing to lose – fall in love with yourself, give yourself attention, sensitivity and patience. Then freedom will appear in place of the illusory control. You will only find out how much you can give the world.