Filip Wolański – professional sportsman, the author of the book „The Soul of the MMA Warrior. A combination of two worlds. ” The most incredible combination: a sportsman specializing in martial arts with a dove’s heart, it’s like a combination of fire and water. It seems impossible, but reading the book drags you into the inner world of a mature soul hidden in a young athletic body. Anyone who has even once in his life seen cage fighting, or has a minimum knowledge of mixed martial arts, certainly knows that this is not fun for polite children. However, the reality turns out to be even much more amazing. Filip shows himself to the reader both as a loner and as a good friend, son and fiancé. As he writes: „These extremes make me feel balanced”. The book can be a guide for young athletes, but also for people who want to do something in life: „Success will come when you get to know yourself. If you do not know it, you are wandering around like in the fog. „