77- THE TRUTH INSIDE – Renata Engel




The book you are holding in your hands was written to share my self-development journey. The way we approach life is crucial, so it is essential to tell the difference between seeing life as disjointed pieces and as the whole. Knowing that the power of thought has a profound effect on how our life unfolds, I started to look for different methods of self-growth. The most valuable proved to be an acute observation of my own reactions to what I was going through and experiencing at a given moment, which made me realize that what we think and see is a product of our vantage point. I refuse to lay out the theory, just the experience. In this book, I share my outlook on life, which hopefully will prompt you to take your life in your hands. This book may be of help to those who are of faith and those who are not, and above all, to those who are self-aware and are doing a lot of serious work, in other words, those who are consciously growing. At the same time, this book might come in handy to those who don’t think about their journey and all. All in all, this book is for anyone who is willing to look into themselves to uncover more and tap into their
real potential. Ultimately, my goal is to guide you in learning how to perceive the world as a spiritual entity.
The specific objective of this book is to help youexpand consciousness, in particular, to inspire you to look for ways to do so. The acquired tools will help you examine your responses from your spiritual vantage point, which will hopefully lead you to a happy, fulfilling life. In the subsequent chapters, I will demonstrate the ways of how multi dimensional spiritual beings can flourish in this world and how to tap into the universal
wisdom, and at the end of the day, pave the path to personal growth.
The building blocks of maturity are love and selfrespect. One of the most crucial components of attaining self-esteem is to stop inflicting pain to yourself. In theory, doing so will result in pure happiness. Ironically, this kind of work takes a toll on some and is often excruciating. The journey to self-discovery is paved with numerous challenges and can take years. I would dare to say that it never stops and there may be no definite end to the process of self-growth. Only if you are willing to diligently work on yourself, you will see the desired results. When you are open to change and growth, you start noticing patterns
in your behavior, your blind spots. At the same time, you will begin to spot people around you who have developed similar mental patterns. The newly gained insights will help you recognize your conditioned behavior which often defies logic. The awareness of your mental patterns will empower you to be in control of your responses and therefore change your life.
Living a happy life is living in harmony. The intellectual life and the spiritual sense should complement each other. Otherwise, our goals and actions are not aligned and cause suffering. The complete integration takes place when we break free from our mental patterns. This process might take years and never end. From the very beginning, I struggled to overcome my deeply rooted mental patterns, which would manifest themselves as bouts of aggression, jealousy, and other forms of low self-esteem. I was difficult to be around, and it was next to impossible to be me. I would often find it puzzling, yet failed to understand the true nature of my behavior. The first breakthrough came only when I managed to identify specific patterns and started working on them one by one. Interestingly, all the individual models were multi-layered and interconnected. Then, I would begin combing through them for months only to find myself back in
square one.

My goal is far from convincing you that it’s a must for you to do something about your life at all. However, I am here to share my experiences and the way I see the world, which if applied might help see your life differently and spare you suffering. I would love to make it easier for you. I had no guide. My wisdom and all the insights come from experience. My personal work has made a tremendous difference in my life and hopefully, my observations will inspire some of you. In this book, I’m sharing the tested actionable steps, not theory. Since I realized that I am a multidimensional being, I have fully depended on its wisdom. I stopped blaming others. Instead, I took responsibility for my own life, which might seem hard at first. But once it happens, it’s in fact quite empowering. Every single life experience becomes an opportunity to look into your mistakes and learn from them. This makes me
content because I have given myself permission to be happy. As a multidimensional being, I have grown humble and respectful of my spiritual side, keeping intellect at bay.